Why do we procrastinate? (Medium)
Why do people procrastinate? We’ll hear from a comedian who likes to leave their work until the last minute, and as usual, we’ll be learning some new vocabulary as well.
This week’s question
According to recent research by DePaul University in Chicago, what percentage of people procrastinate so much that it interferes with their day-to-day life?
a) 10 percent
b) 20 percent
c) 30 percent
Listen to the programme to find out the answer.
delaying doing things that must be done until later, often because they are boring, difficult or unpleasant
without a shadow of a doubt
used to emphasise that you are completely certain of something
under pressure
feeling stressed or anxious because of having too much to do
acting suddenly and instinctively, without thinking about the consequences of your actions
feeling of pleasure and satisfaction
oodles of (something)
a very large amount of something pleasant
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