Synonyms (Easy)
Vocabulary points to take away:
costing a lot
Don’t you think that two pounds for a bag of sugar is rather dear?
costing a lot of money
£150! That’s so expensive for a handbag!
pricey (informal)
costing a lot of money
The clothes in that shop are a bit pricey. I think I’ll just try the market.
strange in an unusual, sometimes interesting way
So there I was, interviewing the person who’d been my greatest hero at school. It was quite bizarre.
not quite right
There’s something a bit odd about Jack. He won’t look at you when you speak to him.
different from normal
June really is quite strange sometimes. When you see her, she sometimes says hello and smiles and
then other times she completely ignores you!
not normal or different from other people or things
The shark steak had quite an unusual flavour. I had never tasted anything like it before.
strange or unexpected
There were some really weird noises last night. Do you think this house might be haunted!?
funny or entertaining
There was an amusing article on the how parents are having to ask their young children to help
them switch on their tablets and TVs.
funny in a silly way
The hat on his head made him look quite comical.
making you laugh
Ouch! Don’t laugh. It’s not funny!
very funny, enough to make you laugh out loud
His jokes were hilarious. I laughed all night.
funny enough to make you smile
The Queen showed the more humorous side to her nature when she took part in the James Bond
sketch in the 2012 opening ceremony to the Olympics.
really amusing
The look on his face was priceless when I told him it was me who’d got the job and not him.
appearance on someone’s face showing what they think or feel
The teacher realised from the expression on the students’ faces that they hadn’t understood.
appearance on someone’s face showing what they think or feel
I could tell by the look on her face that she was really hurt by what I’d said.
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