Discourse markers: showing attitude (Easy)
Vocabulary points to take away:
There are a lot of words and phrases used to express our attitude to what we are saying or
writing. Two common examples are fortunately (I’m pleased) and I’m afraid (I’m sorry):
Fortunately, there wasn’t much traffic on the roads.
I’m afraid I forgot to buy any bread.
Others are often less easy to define:
I must admit
used when you are going to say something that might be unpopular or that you are slightly
embarrassed about:
– I must admit I don’t really like his wife.
used to say that an idea is easy to see or understand:
– Obviously, we want to help as much as we can.
If you ask me
used to give your opinion, especially when you think other people might disagree:
– If you ask me, too many people go to university these days.
used to say what you think would be ideal, although you realise it’s probably not possible:
– Ideally, we’d like a four-bedroomed house if we can afford it.
used to show that you are not joking:
– Seriously, I’d like to have at least four kids.
Of course
used to show you realise that what you are saying is generally known and not surprising:
– The rush hour is the worst possible time to travel, of course.
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